These are some thoughts about the design of a functional library to serialize partially abstract finite tree-shaped data.
Type context
- Types:
- We have primitive atomic types:
and some others. - We have primitive composite types:
- arrays via
Array a
and written as[v_1, ..., v_n]
- tuples via
andTuple [a_1, ..., a_n]
and written as(v_1, ..., v_n)
- arrays via
- We have primitive algebraic types:
- Variants (non-recursive) via
| l_1 of t_1 | ... | l_n of t_n
.- No recursive definitions allowed.
- Records via
{ l_1 : t_1, ..., l_n : t_n }
- Variants (non-recursive) via
- Abstract types with a mapping to a representation as other types.
- Type parameters are universally quantified and written in applicative syntax, i.e.
Map (key, value)
.- Only a single argument and fully applied, several type parameters grouped with array or tuple syntax.
- We have primitive atomic types:
- Type universes.
- All closed types from a set of type constructors.
- Closed: no free type parameters.
- Universe
: all primitive atomic types. - Universe
: all primitive types. - Universe
: all primitive and abstract types (with possible type parameters).
- All closed types from a set of type constructors.
Representation of representation mappings (RoRM)
- There is a
Map (App, App)
containing the representation mappings.- A type with a type parameter can only be contained in the generic form as a key.
- Core operations are:
- addition, merging
Type representation
- Go from
T : App
to universeAlg
. - Helper datatypes:
type Label = string
type Shape prim =
| Prim of prim
| Tuple of Array (Shape prim)
| Array of (Shape prim)
| Variant of Map (Label, Shape prim)
| Record of Map (Label, Shape prim)
type PrimType =
| PT_Unit
| PT_Int
| PT_Bool
| ...
type YetUnresolved =
| Prim of PrimType
| Unknown of App // If an abstract type is not in the RoRM.
| Recursion of App // If an abstract type is encountered twice along the same branch of the shape tree.
type Stepwise =
| Prim of PrimType
| Unknown of App
| Recursion of App
| NextStep of App * (Set App) // Type to respresent/expand next and the set of abstract types encoured along the branch to here.
- The core functions are:
resolveNextStep : Map (App, App) -> Shape Stepwise -> Shape Stepwise
- Given a RoRM, expands all NextStep cases in Stepwise once
- Abstract types by their representation in the RoRM
- updates set of abstract types in NextSteps
- Primitive algebraic and compositive types by their rep in Shape
- Primitive atomic types by the primitive case in Stepwise.Prim
- Abstract types by their representation in the RoRM
- Given a RoRM, expands all NextStep cases in Stepwise once
searchPrimitiveRepresentation : Map (App, App) -> (T : App) -> Shape YetUnresolved
- Given a RoRM, try to find its shape by following the representations.
- Could use
, but is maybe better coded recursively
expansionSteps : Map (App, App) -> (T : App) -> List (Shape Stepwise)
- give the history of
- start value for
isNextStep (T, Set [])
- give the history of
isAlgebraic: Shape YetUnresolved -> Result (Shape PrimType, { Unknowns : Set App, Recursive : Set App })
- Collapse the search result
- Error case: sets of unknown and recursive types
isSubtype: Shape PrimType * Shape PrimType -> bool
- subtyping relationship on fully resolved shapes
Given the setup
type PrimType =
| PT_Unit
| PT_Int
| PT_Bool
let RoRM : Map (App, App) =
Map ('a, 'b) -> Array ('a * 'b)
Abs1 -> int * (Abs2 bool)
Abs2 'a -> bool * 'a
let steps = expansionSteps RoRM
The derivations are
steps unit = [
NextStep (unit, Set []),
Prim PT_Unit,
steps (array int) = [
NextStep (array int, Set []),
Array (NextStep int, Set []),
Array (Prim PT_Int)
steps { A : bool, b : int * bool } = [
NextStep ({ A : bool, b : int * bool }, Set []),
Record { "A" -> (NextStep bool, Set []), "B" -> (NextStep (int * bool), Set [])},
Record { "A" -> Prim PT_Bool, "B" -> Tuple [NextStep (int, Set []), NextStep (bool, Set [])]},
Record { "A" -> Prim PT_Bool, "B" -> Tuple [Prim PT_Int, Prim PT_Bool]},
steps Abs1 = [
NextStep (Abs1, Set []),
NextStep (int * Abs2 bool, Set [Abs1]),
Tuple [NextStep (int, Set [Abs1]), NextStep (Abs2 bool, Set [Abs1])],
Tuple [Prim PT_Int, NextStep (bool * bool, Set [Abs1, Abs2])],
Tuple [Prim PT_Int, Tuple [NextStep (bool, Set [Abs1, Abs2]), NextStep (bool, Set [Abs1, Abs2])]],
Tuple [Prim PT_Int, Tuple [Prim PT_Bool, Prim PT_Bool]],
] // int * (bool * bool)
Value representation
- Value rep
type PrimVal =
| PV_Unit
| PV_Int of int
| PV_Bool of bool
| ...
type RepValue =
| Prim of prim
| Tuple of Array RepValue
| Array of Array RepValue
| Variant of Label * RepValue
| Record of Map (Label, RepValue)
- the core functions are:
fitsType : Shape PrimType -> RepValue -> bool
represent : (T : App) -> RepValue
construct : App -> RepValue -> (T : App)
- the first argument is a type to guide the construction, if the result type
is not inferrable
- the first argument is a type to guide the construction, if the result type
let crazy : RepValue = Array [PV_Unit, PV_Int 2, PV_Int 2]
// not possible as represent t
let t : Array int = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let r : RepValue = Array [PV_Int 1, PV_Int 2, PV_Int 3, PV_Int 4]
let t : Array (int * bool) = [(1, true), (2, false), (3, true)]
let r : RepValue = Array [Tuple [PV_Int 1, PV_Bool true], Tuple [PV_Int 2, PV_Bool false], Tuple [PV_Int 3, PV_Bool true]]
Recursive types
- Much more complicated.
- Could apply to variants and abstract types.
- Would introduced cycles in
, i.e. this would become a rooted forest. - Termination not really checkable on type level only, as value mappings need to be monotonic.
- This is classic for mutually recursive variants.
- Classic example: functional lists.
type rec List a =
| Nil
| Cons of a, * (List a)