
I am Christoph Hofer-Temmel (né Temmel). I work as a mathematician. This is my personal website.

My academic research has been in discrete and spatial probability theory and related fields. My current work revolves around data analyis and optimisation.

My email is math@temmel.me for research-related and professional communication and www@temmel.me for everything around this website.

A short version of my academic curriculum vitae is here.


2019 – now: I work in the electric power industry.

2015 - 2019: Assistant professor in mathematics at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Dutch Defense Academy.

2013 – 2015: Postdoc at the Department of Mathematics of the VU University Amsterdam with Federico Camia.

2008 – 2013: Scientific assistant at the Department of Mathematical Structure Theory of Graz University of Technology.

2005 – 2013: Teaching assistant at the Department of Mathematical Structure Theory of Graz University of Technology.


2008 – 2012: Doctoral studies within a cotutelle at Graz University of Technology and Aix-Marseille Université. My advisors have been Wolfgang Woess and Pierre Mathieu respectively. My dissertation was about “Properties and applications of Bernoulli random fields with strong dependency graphs”.

2003 – 2008: Master studies in technical mathematics with a specialization in combinatorial optimization at the Graz University of Technology. My master thesis was about “K-independent percolation on infinite trees after Bollobàs and Balister”.